ReceiverPi Pro II
ReceiverPi Pro II
ReceiverPi Pro II is designed for Raspberry Pi based DDC or DAC projects to input digital music from multiple sources rather than RPi itself. ReceiverPi Pro II can select digital music signals from one of the four inputs: RCA (S/PDIF coaxial), OPT (S/PDIF Toslink), HDMI (I2S/DSD over lVDS) and RaspberryPi GPIO.
ReceiverPi Pro II has an additional control input that can be connected directly to a MonitorPi Pro which works as an integrated control center. The PCB layout of the ReceiverPi Pro II was also optimized so no longer has problem when installed right under a FifoPiQ7. ReveiverPi Pro II works with a StationPi Pro too as same as a ReceiverPi Pro.
Highlighted Features and Specifications
- RCA (75 ohms coaxial cable) S/PDIF input up to 192KHz, isolated
- Optical S/PDIF input up to 192KHz, isolated
- I2S/DSD over HDMI input up to PCM 768KHz and DSD1024
- I2S/DoP input from RPi GPIO up to PCM 768KHz and DSD128
- Support RPi free applications
- Can be easily configured as S/PDIF FIFO by integrating together with FifoPi and TransportPi
- Can be easily configured as HDMI transport by integrating with HdmiPi or HdmiPi Pro
- Works with StationPi Pro and StationPi Pro controller
- Can be connected to a MonitorPi Pro as a DDC control center
- Optimized for FifoPi Q7
- Great to build multi-input DDC or DAC projects
- Generate standard 48KHz dummy signals when S/PDIF is unlocked
- Reserved GPIO port for possible Linux/Web based software control
- DIY friendly and plug and play
ReceiverPi ProII User's manual